The Different Ability® Podcast
The Different Ability® Podcast
Teaching Special Education with Kenyetta (Part 1)
Today's interview with Kenyetta was so amazing I had to split the interview into two parts!
Today is part one and stay tuned for part two next week!
Connect with Kenyetta here!
Kenyetta's Bio:
Kenyetta Russell offers over 18 years as an experienced former educator, leader, and mentor in the special education arena. Kenyetta delivers passion and energy to turn positive learning experiences into reality for students with disabilities. With a passion for children to be valued equally and given equal access to opportunities to become successful in school and in life, She has extensive experience around special education inclusionary practices, which include creating accommodations and modifications of the curriculum, differentiated instruction, classroom management, social emotional learning, creating positive classroom environment and advocating for students and their families throughout the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process.
Kenyetta’s desire to create positive learning experiences for students with disabilities has yielded her the opportunity to serve others at a higher capacity with excellence. Kenyetta continues to work, advocating for all students inside and outside of the classroom in an effort to eliminate the opportunity gap for students with disabilities. Kenyetta’s mission is to support educators and parents, cultivating their minds to promote positive transformations in special education practices that will lead to student success in schools and beyond.
It is Kenyetta’s belief that all students deserve high challenge, high support experiences that will support learning in the classroom and beyond. She believes in creating an inclusive and welcome learning environment where every student experience success academically and socially, and individuality is respected and accepted.
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